We are proud to launch custom biodegradable phone cases. This new flexible black soft case is first available for all iPhones from 7 to 13. You can add this new product range to your website now.

Degraded in 18 – 24 months

Our biodegradable phone case is made of wheat straw (40%) and TPU (60%). This combination of materials results in a flexible, protective case. These cases have a matte look and are a bit thicker than our TPU cases. Our biodegradable cases will degrade in a moist environment in 18 – 24 months.

Inks are not yet biodegradable

We use our UV-printers to print these cases. Despite our UV-inks (and others as well) have several green certificates, current UV-inks are not biodegradable. Of course we are continuously investigating possibilities to offer a fully custom biodegradable phone case in the future.

Custom biodegradable phone cases are available now from € 6,76. You can find more information about these products here.